Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Historicist Criticism: Macbeth and the Power Essay

Stripped of Shakespeare’s poetic style and skilful characterization, Macbeth is revealed as little more than a petty tyrant. Like Machiavelli’s Prince, Macbeth seeks power as an end in itself and sees any means as justified provided it helps him achieve his goal. It is a standard image of power: an individual, or small group, occupying a position of authority from which he (seldom she) attempts to force his will upon others. Today’s equivalent of a feudal monarch is the power-hungry politician, the cult leader, or the ruthless business tycoon. But the new historicist conception of power is different; rather than being a top-down affair that originates from a specific place or individual, power comes from all around us, it permeates us, and it influences us in many subtle and different ways. This idea of decentralized power, heavily indebted to post-structuralist philosophy (see Derrida and Foucault), is sometimes difficult to understand because it seems to have a n intangible, mystical quality. Power appears to operate and maintain itself on its own, without any identifiable individual actually working the control levers. This new historicist notion of power is evident in Macbeth in the way in which Macbeth’s apparent subversion of authority culminates in the re-establishment of that same type of authority under Malcolm. A ruthless king is replaced with another king, a less ruthless one, perhaps, but that is due to Malcolm’s benevolent disposition, not to any reform of the monarchy. Similarly, the subversion of the play’s moral order is contained, and the old order reaffirmed, by the righteous response to that subversion. In other words, what we see at the beginning of the play–an established monarch and the strong Christian values that legitimize his sovereignty–is the same as what we see at the end of the play, only now the monarchy and its supporting values are even more firmly entrenched thanks to the temporary disruption. It is almost as if some outside force carefully orchestrates events in order to strengthen the existing power structures. Consider, for example, a military leader who becomes afraid of the peace that undermines his position in society. In response to his insecurity, he creates in people’s minds the fear of an impending enemy–whether rea l or imaginary, it doesn’t matter. As a consequence of their new feelings of insecurity, people desire that their leader remain in power and even increase his power so that he can better defend them from their new II enemy. II The more evil and threatening our enemies are made to appear, the more we believe our own aggressive response to them is justified, and the more we see our leaders as our valiant protectors (Zinn,Declarations of Independence 260-61,266). Military or political power is strengthened, not weakened, when it has some kind of threatening subversion of contain ( Greenblatt 62-65). The important point about the new historicist notion of power, however, is that it is not necessary for anyone to orchestrate this strengthening of authority. Duncan certainly doesn’t plan to be murdered in order that the crown will be more secure on Malcolm’s head after he deposes Macbeth. The witches can be interpreted as manipulating events, but there is nothing to indicate that they are motivated by a concern to increase the power and authority of the Scottish crown. It is not necessary to believe in conspiracy theories to explain how power perpetuates itself; the circular and indirect, rather than top-down, way in which power operates in society is enough to ensure that it is maintained and its authority reinforced. The theater illustrates this point in that the Renaissance theater–its subject matter, spectacle, emphasis on role-playing–drew its energy from the life of the court and the affairs of state–their ceremony, royal pageants and progresses, the spectacle of public executions (Greenblatt 11-16). In return, the theater helped legitimate the existing state structures by emphasizing, for example, the superior position in society of the aristocracy and royalty. These are the class of people, the theater repeatedly showed its audience, who deserve to have their stories told on stage, while common people are not worthy subjects for serious drama and are usually represented as fools or scoundrels. Revealing the inherently theatrical aspects of the court and affairs of state runs the risk of undermining their authority–if people on stage can play at being Kings and Queens, lords and ladies, then there is always the possibility that the audience will suspect that real Kings and Queens, lords and ladies, are just ordinary people who are playing a role and do not actually deserve their position of wealth and privilege. But the very existence of the theater helped keep the threat of rebellion under control by providing people with a legitimate, though restricted, place to express otherwise unacceptable ideas and behavior (Mullaney 8-9). Within the walls of the theater, it is acceptable to mock the actor playing a king, but never the king himself; it is acceptable to contemplate the murder of a theatrical monarch, but never a real one. Macbeth deals with the murder of a king, but Shakespeare turns that potentially subversive subject into support for his king, James I. Queen Elizabeth died without a direct heir, and a – power vacuum is a recipe for domestic turmoil or even war. The consequences of Macbeth’s regicide and tyranny illustrate the kinds of disruption that were prevented by the peaceful ascension to the throne of James, son of Mary, Queen of Scots. The â€Å"good king† of England ( 4.3 .147) who gives Malcolm sanctuary and supports his cause as the rightful successor to the Scottish crown is an indirect reference to James I. Macbeth is about treason and murder, but Malcolm’s description of the noble king (147-59), and the stark contrast between him and Macbeth, reinforces the idea that good subjects should see their king as their benefactor and protector. Shakespeare was not coerced into flattering his king. There was official censorship in his time, but it is unlikely that he needed anyone to tell him what he could or could not write; he knew the types of stories that were acceptable to authority and desirable to his paying public. Whether or not Shakespeare felt constrained by these limitations, or even consciously recognized them, is not the point; the point is that he worked within a set of conventions and conditions which relied upon and reinforced the governing power relations of his time, and so there was no need for him to be manipulated by a government censor looking over his shoulder. If Shakespeare had not known the boundaries of the acceptable, or had not conformed to the demands of power, he would never have become a successful playwright. According to new historicism, our own relationship to power is similar to that of Shakespeare’s: we collaborate with the power that controls us. Without necessarily realizing what we are doing, we help create and sustain it, thus reducing the need for authority figures to remind us what to do or think. Once we accept the cultural limitations imposed on our thought and behavior, once we believe that the limits of the permissible are the extent of the possible, then we happily police ourselves. .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Die Frau Ohne Schatten

Die Frau Ohne Schatten, since its elements appear to be similar to those of fairy tales, but with a darker twist, implies the concept of penance, human corruption and agony. The characters symbolize several flaws of humanity that tend to have destructive consequences. The empress and the nurse for instance epitomized the corrupt tendencies of humans, particularly those seated in power as the latter parts of scene one's act two showed the empress and the nurse display innovation and creativity in achieving their self-serving ends.In addition, the troubled state of the empress while posing as a servant for the dyer's family went to show that she refuses to give up the royal and glamorous life despite the importance of the consequences at stake. The dyer's familial and economic conditions in the presentation meanwhile resembles the suffering and torment as experienced by humans especially the middle to lower class members of society.The physical deformities of the three brothers, as wel l as the poverty stricken life of the dyer's family reflect the brutal reality of human life. The dyer's wife's sudden attack of consciousness when hearing the lamentations of the unborn children however mirror fear in a general context simply because she fears responsibility over something she has not yet experienced and understood.Likewise, humans also fear something they do not understand or have not yet experienced, a prime example of such fear is on the concept of death which often becomes the center of people's misconception. In the third act it is the spiritual element which offers the solution, that souring into the regions of light and harmony, the succession of fairytale pictures, the intervention of the children’s voices, all these varying elements combined will not fail to engage the public, even supposing the music were to fall off (without a doubt it will not).Nevertheless, one, on any account, should not be daunted, either by personal doubts (regardless if an i ndividual, no matter how good his inspirations may be, always plunders himself or herself down in to the abyss of malcontentment), or even by the possible rash, all-too-spontaneous verdict of the wife. A direct comparison between what still remains to be done and what has already been successfully accomplished, in this case with the trio in Rosenkavalier, is invariably dangerous.The comic opera's situation is a sentimental one, while Die Frau ohne Schatten is heroic and spiritual, akin to the atmosphere of Fidelio or The Magic Flute. One lesson, as was seen, drew from textual accounts, namely that it is not the situation itself so much which compellingly operates upon the composer’s imagination, but the action wording of the libretto. Strauss' entails in his July 28, 1916 letter that â€Å"Characters like the Emperor and Empress, and also the Nurse, can’t be filled with red corpuscles in the same way as a Marschallin, an Octavian, or an Ochs.No matter how I rack my br ain and I’m toiling really hard, sifting and sifting my heart’s only half in it, and once the head has to do the major part of the work you get a breath of academic chill ( what my wife very rightly calls ‘note-spinning’) which no bellows can ever kindly into a real fire. Well, I have now sketched out the whole end of the opera and it’s got verve and a great upword sweep but my wife finds it cold and misses the heart-touching flame-kindling melodic texture of the Rosenkavalier trio. I’m willing to believe her, and I keep probing and searching but believe me does not go to music like†. Strauss 28. 7. 1916 pp. 258). Orchestra in Die Frau ohne Schatten was primarily used for dramatic purposes, to emphasize more emotion (Corse, 112).Strauss also utilized orchestration for the sake of character build (Corse, 112), considering that Die Frau ohne Schatten has five main characters, the absence of orchestration may cause confusion on the part of the audience specifically on distinguishing the main characters and their respective representations, such as the case of the the dyer's wife and the empress who both sing in the high dramatic soprano voice range..

Ms Syllabus

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Work-Integrated Learning Programmes M. S. Microelectronics at BITS Pilani Professional Development Centre, Bangalore Type of Input | Sponsored employees (with adequate work experience in Microelectronics area) with a First Degree of BITS or its equivalent | Duration| Normally Four Semesters| Special Feature | This is a specially designed programme to meet the Human Resource Development requirements of various collaborating organizations at Bangalore.Structured classes would be held in Bangalore regularly. | Semesterwise Pattern Course No. | Course Title| Units| First Year First Semester| MELTI ZG573MELTI ZG512MELTI ZG511MELTI ZG631| Digital Signal ProcessingEmbedded System DesignDesign & Analysis of AlgorithmsPhysics & Modelling of Microelectronics Devices| 3455| First Year Second Semester| MELTI ZG621MELTI ZG632MELTI ZG641MELTI ZG611| VLSI DesignAnalog IC Design CAD for IC DesignIC Fabrication Technology| 5555| Second Year First Semest er|MELTI ZG642MELTI ZG531MELTI ZG625MELTI ZG651| VLSI ArchitectureTestability for VLSI Advanced Analog and Mixed Signal Design Hardware Software Co-Design| 4554| Second Year Second Semester| MELTI ZG629T| Dissertation| 20| Note: This is the currently operative pattern as approved by the Senate-appointed committee, subject to change if the situation warrants. Fee Schedule Application Processing Fees Rs. 800/-, Admission Fees Rs. 10000/-, Each Semester Fees Rs. 17500/-, Each Semester BITS Professional Development Centre Membership Fees Rs. 2500/-. Course Descriptions MELTI ZG511 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 5 Design techniques such as divide-and-conquer, recursion, backtracking, branch-and-bound, simulation; Analysis in terms of average level and worst level efficiency; Relationship to appropriate data structures; Illustrations dealing with problems in computer science, graph theory and mathematics; Computational complexity and bounds; NP-hard and NP-complete problems. MELTI ZG512 Embedded Systems Design 4Introduction to embedded systems; embedded architectures: Architectures and programming of microcontrollers and DSPs. Embedded applications and technologies; power issues in system design; introduction to software and hardware co-design. MELTI ZG531 Testability for VLSI 5 BIST, boundary sean, stuck-at faults, test generation algorithms for combinatorial logic circuits and sequential circuits, logic simulation and fault simulation, synthesis for test, built in self test, pseudo-random test techniques, other test methods – IDDQ testing, boundary scan etc.MELTI ZG573 Digital Signal Processing 3 Introduction; design of analog filters; design of digital filters: (IIR and FIR); structures for the realization of digital filters; random signals and random processes; linear estimation and prediction; Wiener filters; DSP processor architecture; DSP algorithms for different applications. MELTI ZG611 IC Fabrication Technology 5 Material properties; Crystal growth and doping; diffusion; oxidation; epitaxy; Ion implantation; Deposition of films using CVD, LPCVD and puttering techniques; Wet and dry etching and cleaning; Lithographic process; Device and circuit fabrication; Process modeling and simulation. MELTI ZG621 VLSI Design 5 Introduction to NMOS and CMOS circuits; NMOS and CMOS processing technology; CMOS circuits and logic design; circuit characterization and performance estimation; Structured design and testing; Symbolic layout systems; CMOS subsystem design; System case studies.MELTI ZG625 Advanced Analog and Mixed Signal Design 5 Design of high speed comparators and Op-amps; analog buffers; different architectures of A/D and D/A converters; analog multipliers and dividers; design of PLLS; design methods for switched capacitor filters sample and hold circuits; mixed signal design issues; noise coupling from substrate and its reduction; cross talk and shielding; analog layout techniques for mixed signal designs. MELTI ZG629T Dissertat ion 20A student registered in this course must take a topic in an area of professional interest drawn from the on the job work requirement which is simultaneously of direct relevance to the degree pursued by the student as well as to the employing / collaborating organization of the student and submit a comprehensive report at the end of the semester working under the overall supervision and guidance of a professional expert who will be deemed as the supervisor for evaluation of all components of the dissertation.Normally the Mentor of the student would be the Dissertation supervisor and in case Mentor is not approved as the supervisor, Mentor may play the role of additional supervisor. The final grades for dissertation are Non-letter grades namely Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor, which do not go into CGPA computation. MELTI ZG631 Physics & Modeling of Microelectronics Devices5 Physics and Properties of semiconductor – a review; PN junction diode; bipolar transistor; Metal-sem iconductor contacts; JFET and MESFET; MOSFET and scaling; CCD and photonic devices.MELTI ZG632 Analog IC Design 5 Basic concepts; BICMOS process and technology; current and voltage sources; Differential and Operational Amplifiers; Multipliers and modulators; phase-lock techniques; D-to-A and A- to-D converters; Micropower circuits; High voltage circuits; Radiation Resistant Circuits; Filter design considerations. MELTI ZG641 CAD for IC Design 5Introduction to VLSI design methodologies and supporting CAD tool environment; Overview of `C', Data structure, Graphics and CIF; Concepts, structures and algorithms of some of the following CAD tools; Schematic editors; Layout editors; Module generators; Silicon compilers; Placement and routing tools; Behavioral, functional, logic and circuit simulators; Aids for test generation and testing. MELTI ZG642 VLSI Architecture 4Overview of CISC processor architectures; Instruction set architecture of CISC processor; hardware flow-charting methods; implementing microprocessor logic from hardware flowcharts; RISC instruction set architecture; pipelined execution of RISC instructions; pipeline execution unit design; control hazards; design of memory hierarchy. MELTI ZG651 Hardware Software Co-Design 4 FPGA and ASIC based design, Low-Power Techniques in RT Embedded Systems On-chip networking. Hardware Software partitioning and scheduling, Co-simulation, synthesis and verifications, Architecture mapping, HW-SW Interfaces and Re-configurable computing.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Elicitation as One of the Most Critical Activities in Business Analysi Case Study

Elicitation as One of the Most Critical Activities in Business Analysis - Case Study Example The analysts need to be absolutely sure about the information collection tool as this will pave way for the analyst to formulate the necessary questions. It is extremely important for the researcher to ensure that the questions prepared for the elicitation encompass every crucial detail regarding the business. The analysts will also have to prepare a full list of stakeholders who are to be interviewed. Upon preparation of the stakeholder list, a schedule needs to be prepared according to the convenience of the participants. The analysts will also have to arrange for the transportation facility for the stakeholders in order to ensure that the information elicitation is conducted in a timely manner. The interview has been chosen as the primary data collection instrument for conducting the elicitation activity precisely because of the fact that it will provide the analyst as well as the stakeholders to counter question each other. The subjective research driven by an elaborate interview process will enable the analyst to create a learning environment. In that way, the analyst will be able to identify the needs and requirements of the stakeholders in details (Walters& Rainbird, 2011). One of the major advantages of the interview process is that it is a one to one communication. The analyst will be able to give equal emphasis on every individual stakeholder by adjudging their attitude towards a particular question. The interview will also allow the analyst to probe the participants in order to extract crucial information from them. By doing so, the analyst will be able to identify any weaknesses in the business model employed by Greens Electrical Store. In addition to that, the ana lyst will also be able to evaluate if the participants are satisfied with the business model or not. This, in turn, will enable the analyst to learn about the expectations that the stakeholders have from the organisational managers.  Ã‚  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pfizers Unsuccessful Takeover of Astrazeneca Essay - 5

Pfizers Unsuccessful Takeover of Astrazeneca - Essay Example On 25th November 2013, Pfizer, a US company expressed its interest to enter into a merger with AstraZeneca. This is a crucial stage of initiating a merger, where the interested party expresses for the first time the consideration for a merger. The second stage of the merger is the high-level discussion in which the two parties sit down and discuss in detail the path they are going to follow in the merger. At this point, the interested company proposes its offer to which the other party may accept or reject. On 5th January 2015, the two companies held high-level talks in which Pfizer offered $58 per share (Farrell, 2014). After considering the offer, the AstraZeneca rejected the offer and the no more discussion was held after January. The step of Pfizer to go public on its interest to merge with AstraZeneca in April 2014 is an important stage of the merger. The main purpose of this stage is to draw the public assessment into the merger and consider the logistics behind its association . At this point, other multinational companies have the opportunity to consider the offer evaluate and criticize it. The national government also is called at this point to intervene in merger and to consider whether the offer is to the public’s interest. From this point, the leader of the company engages the parliament before the science and technology committee to further negotiate on the offer. Later on, the company offers a higher bid and promises to give $69 per year and to absorb about 20% of the researchers for at least five years (Farrell, 2014). At this stage, AstraZeneca has an opportunity to reconsider how this offer would affect their business. The CEO of the company needs to obtain information on how the merger would benefit its company and how his management would achieve their goals. The fact that the company rejects the offer at this stage shows that the company is bound to  lose from the bond.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Presentaion on the country Syria Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Presentaion on the country Syria - Essay Example It is currently the liturgical language of many Syrian Christian denominations. However, most educated Syrians also speak French and English. The indigenous Christian Western-Aramaic speakers as well as Assyrians make up roughly 400,000 people. Most of them speak the Western Neo-Aramaic language. As for the deaf community, the sign language is used. Traditionally, men wear long gowns and women wear a long robe that only leaves their feet and hands exposed (Antoun 89). These dresses show little of the human skins something which is considered respectable. Music: Syria is one of the earliest centers of Christian hymnody and continues to be the liturgical music of various Syrian Christians. Damascus is among the Arab world centers for artistic innovation, particularly in the field of classical Arab music. Prominent musicians such as Asmahan, Lena Chamamyan, and Farid al-Atrash all come from Damascus (Salamandra 104). Aleppo city is known for its muwashshah; a form of Andalous poetry (Antoun 45). The muwashshah was popularized by stars like Sabah Fakri. It comprises of 5 stanzas that alternate in refrain with a running rhyme. Dance: As cited by Salamandra (103), the Syrian traditional art is manifested in dances like the Dabkeh, al-Samah, and sword dance. The Dabkeh is the national dance of Syria. It involves both line dancing and circle dance. It is commonly performed at weddings and other festivities. The lines usually form from right to left. The Dabkeh and al Samah are also peformed in child’s birth and marriage ceremonies. Food: Core element in parties, weddings, and other festivities. The main dish is the Syrian cuisine. It is rich and varied in its ingredients. It comprises of Kibbeh, fattoish, tabbouleh, hummus, labneh, shanklish, sujuk, baklava, and pastrirma. Manoushi bread is the number one snack food all around Syria. Tea is the ever-present drink and is usually taken with the Manoushi bread in

Friday, July 26, 2019

GE Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

GE Energy - Essay Example Furthermore, the current students are free to select their subjects of specializations depending on individual’s capability, unlike some 10 decades ago when had no choice but to pursue the few offered courses . The traditional colleges specialized in specific subjects, for instance; there were the engineering, law, and medicine and art schools among others (Brian, 2007). However, the modern learning institutions offer both courses but at different departments. All these factors contribute to the adoption of specific careers. Academic researchers have proven that although career selection depends on individuals trainings or education, there are chances of one picking career not related to his/her areas of study. This is because we live in a dynamic world where some skills are not necessarily offered in classes but in the practicing fields. This work is about selection of my two favorite careers. It further explains some of the factors I considered before such selections and the like challenges. 1.1 Water Engineering career Water engineering is one of my favorite careers. A water engineer is required to design and supervise implementations of water related projects like ground water explorations, waster water treatment, water supply and water metering among other responsibilities. One has to perform well in the sciences like Physics, Chemistry and mathematics to get admissions in the engineering colleges or universities. Further aspiring water engineer I have been watching engineering documentaries from YouTube among other sources. I have always admired innovations certain peculiar skills to save my county, country and the world as a whole (Broodly, 2006). My passion to be a water engineer was further triggered after watching some families in the developing nations, more so children perishing or even dying out of hunger. I watched some Christian based non-governmental organizations strive to reduce such sufferings through initiating water projects like bor e hill drilling, construction of watersheds and rain and storm water harvesting among other projects. Since then, I kept reading engineering journals from the local and national libraries. I also used my smart phone to access some online materials touching on the engineering field. 1.2 Environmental consultant My second career choice is an environmental consultant. This implies providing consultancy services to companies, governmental agencies and private projects among other sectors. One requires to have attended environment management courses to qualify or undertake the career. An environmental consultant would conduct environmental impact assessment or audits to starting and ongoing projects respectively. Environment is a very important aspect in the economical development in the society since majority of raw materials in the modern industries depends on the sustainability of the environment. 2.0 Feasibility 2.1 Feasibility inWater engineering career One has to consider certain c urrent issues before the final decision with regard to career selection. Researchers lament that the majority of graduates end up selecting wrong career choices due to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discussion on Guibert of Nogent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Discussion on Guibert of Nogent - Essay Example ...but when reason returns, I repent that I have yielded to the lust of my heart when my soul with unwilling heaviness sinks on a dunghill for its bed (Bland, 1)." There is a deep seated desire to know the will of God and to know him, rather the person should empty himself and come to know his Creator. Reading through the monk's memoirs, he sees that the culture around him is submerged in wealth and sin. And all that learning is of no use it the person does not open his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. "...Unless Christ shall open to him the doors of learning with the key of knowledge, without doubt every teacher shall spend himself in vain on dull ears. Therefore, let every wise man be foolish to claim anything as his own but sin (Bland 2)." Everything is associated with the holy feasts and the days they fall on as a symbol of some divine meaning of why things occurred. "Now the feast of the Blessed Martin was close at hand, in fact the next day (Bland 14)." A person suffers a fate or misfortune because divine intervention has decided to punish the individual for his or her wrong doings-"the man who tries to please a treacherous foe in fear of being bitten, by the just judgment of heaven gets hurt by him and everyone else (Bland 14)." Heaven's decision in the matter is seen as fair and just. The air of Christianity is soaked to the brim with guilt and punishment, justice and retribution although there are numerous times in Guibert's writings where he mentions the mercies of the Lord and his mother's help in our daily lives. The prevailing feature of Christianity in Guibert's time as Guibert saw them was either a person knew the Christian faith and lived by its rules or they didn't and hence committed sacrilegious acts by their very nature of being ignorant in matters of what constitutes as holy and requiring reverence. "And since such words may not be uttered by a Christian's lips, and must cause pious ears to shudder with detestation, we suppress them. Although he praised the Jews , by the Jews he was regarded as a madman and whilst approving their religion in word, he actually practiced ours (Bland 16)." Even profanity was considered as intolerable to ears that were sensitive to them and considered such speech as not characteristic with the Christian faith and contrary to the Christian life. And when man could not do much to intervene or stop the particular person from carrying on with their blasphemies, we see through Guibert that heaven itself takes care of the problem :"When the Virgin Mother, Que en of all, could no longer endure the blasphemies of this corrupt man, as he was entering from a royal expedition, on approaching the city, there appeared a great band of his friends the devils and he coming home with his hair disordered and out of his wits, repulsed his wife and lay with that old woman and that night fell ill of a mortal disease (Bland 17)." Furthermore, there resounds in the 1100s the echo of what beauty is to the individual, the abbot asks us to be more concerned with the beauty of the soul than the appearance of the body. Bland depicts how Guibert of Nogent asks God to infuse beauty with

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING AND ADVERTISING - Assignment Example Promotion involves two way communications that occurs between the seller and the customer. Advertising involves the use of messages that can inform, persuade and remind customers on the products been sold. Advertising and promotions has many techniques that can be used to achieve the required goals. Different media can be used depending of the budget, marketing objectives and the target market. When one want to market a new model car that is environmentally clean, there are many types of media that be used to advertise this model. People would like to have cars that are environmentally clean because the whole world is trying to reduce global warming. Therefore, coming up with a new car that has less effects on the environment will have to be marketed using the best ways. This hybrid car can be advertised using different media that will ensure that people locally and worldwide are aware of this car. Cars need to be advertised globally since not all countries can manufacture cars. This hybrid car can be advertised locally using television. Television has always been one of the best ways for ads. This is because many people like watching television programs. However, to advertise this car, program that is loved by many people in the country should be considered. This is because large population will be persuaded by the advert. The advert should during the short commercial breaks that take place as the television program is taking place (Schmidt & Kess, 1986 pp.45). During this time, the manufacturer is able to reach the largest population who are watching the television channel. Despite the fact that the advert will be very expensive, it is a guarantee that very large population will aware of the car. The hybrid car can also be marketed through some motor shows. Many people normally attend motor shows. These people are always interested in the new cars that are in the current market. Therefore, manufacturer of the car should ensure that his or her model is feature d during the motor show. Digital marketing can also be used to advertise this hybrid car. This involves the use of social networks like Facebook, twitter, YouTube and blogs. Due to the fact that many social networks have very large world population that access them, this media can be best one in advertising the hybrid car. Pictures of this car should appear in these websites and the links to the original website of the car should be provided. This marketing can be expensive but it reaches very large population both locally and globally (Cairns, 2010 pp.23). To market a car like Mercedes, many types of media have to be used to ensure target market is reached. One of the media that can be used is the television. This media is appropriate because it ensures that large population is reach. Exhibitions can also be used to market this model. People interested in this car will come to enquire on some features of the car. Their interests of buying this car will rise after the exhibitions. T his model can also be marketed through social media like designing its website, use of Facebook and YouTube. The manufacture will be sure that very large population will be reached. This increases marketing of this car brand (Cairns, 2010 pp.29). For a small restaurant that had closed down to re-open, it has to use some promotions to ensure that they gain more customers. These promotions can be advertised using

Paper 4 uses at least two quotations from a secondary source found in Essay

Paper 4 uses at least two quotations from a secondary source found in the Literature Resource Center database - Essay Example s to do with motherhood, and mother and daughter relationships, it focuses more on the struggle and necessity for determining one’s own self, in terms of identity and freedom of choice. Olsen’s characters, mother and daughter, depict two people desperately striving to find their ‘self’, independent of each other, and within the realms of a society that continually places expectations on its people, especially women. The narrator embarks on a valuation of her role as a mother, which includes â€Å"her own responsibility, her own failure, and finally her need to reaffirm her own autonomy as a separate human being who cannot be defined solely through her parental role.† (Frye p.130) Emily, the daughter grows from a small sickly, innocuous child and teenager, lacking in self confidence, to a nineteen year old who realizes her ‘self’ through comedy and is finally happy in her ability to make her own choices. The entire story is seen from the narrator’s – the mother’s perspective, wherein she provides a sequential accounting of her past; this past life description is often interrupted by reference to present needs, "Ronnie is calling. He is wet and I change him," (611) which helps to illustrate the never ending work and her responsibilities involved in being a mother and the lack of time for her to even gather her thoughts for a moment, â€Å"†¦and there will be an interruption and I will have to gather it all together again.† (608) The narrator provides an insight into the hardships of motherhood and her plight in having to raise her daughter on her own during the depression, â€Å"I was nineteen. It was pre-relief, pre-WPA world of the depression,† (609) and the inadequacies of child care, â€Å"when she [her daughter] was eight months old I had to leave her †¦ with the woman downstairs,† (609) and â€Å"the only way† she â€Å"could hold a job† (609) was by placing her daughter in an inadequate nursery, but â€Å"it was the only place there was.†

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Architecture of Bramante Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Architecture of Bramante - Term Paper Example Peter by Pope Julius Caesar. Bramante meticulously designed and centralized the basically around a large cupola. Before Bramante, earlier Gothic and Antic architectural work had completely missed the finer points in gracing buildings. For example, most 15th century artists had completely ignored inclusion of a charming and graceful outlook suggested by buildings, as revealed in living subjects (Anonymous, 1996). Importantly, it was Bramante who revolutionalised the earlier dull renaissance by incorporating aspects of human anatomy, and making architectural work charming and with finer details to reveal more to the eye, a concept which had all along being ignored. Bramante ideologies largely emanated from his love for nature, from which he was ready to study and had a good understanding of antique styles collaborated by his enlightened patronage (Onioans, 1984). The awakening in classical ideas dates back to between 1400 and 1600 when Renaissance period marked changes in architectural work throughout Europe. The main features of renaissance were symmetrical arrangement of doors and windows, triangular shaped pediments, extensive use of pilasters and classical columns, square lintels, niches, and sculptures, arches, and domes (Onioans, 1984). These designs looked monotonous and evoked no human feelings to Bramante; who was earlier inspired by both human anatomy and nature. To modify the above artistic styles in evoking feelings, Bramante began his new career at the Church of S. Maria Presso, a small nineteenth century church; the church had no chancel; a street outside had limited the span of a t-shape as most churches were designed (Pile, 2005 ). Using his knowledge in optical perspectives, Bramante initiated a new artistic work in Renaissance. The main contribution in this was to make the end wall of the church into an illuminating deep space using a painted vas relief where when viewed from the nave direction looks as a barrel – vaulted chancel which ap pears to complete the cruciform plan (Pile, 2005). Another breakthrough that was remarkable in high Renaissance was the monastery of S. Peitro in Montario, Rome. Bramante having proved his amazing designs was awarded the task of reconstructing the cloister to include a small chapel. In this, Bramante plan included a circular sphere surrounded by a ring of columns that matched the order that wrapped the round chapel with sixteen columns portico supporting an entablature (Pile, 2005). It was such interesting designs that Bramante was requested by the Pope to redesign and plan St Peter’s Basilica, which was earlier designed by Michelangelo. The architecture in this case put more emphasis on the harmony of proportions, making all volumes simple through a cylindrical structure, with the circular plan symbolizing Devine perfection (Kleiner, 2009). The church therefore illuminated both the antique styles, while at the same time representing the Christian memorial. These were the hum anistic feelings that Bramante in all his architectural work invented a new dimension in High Renaissance. Bramante in St Peter’s Basilica came up with a complex plan which had to include a domed crossing, four radiating arms which formed the Greek cross, and several smaller domed chapels at the resulting corners. Though the basilica has over the time undergone major changes, his designs and plans were maintained except the cross which

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Junk Box by Edgar Guest Essay Example for Free

The Junk Box by Edgar Guest Essay The message that I understood after reading the poem â€Å"The Junk Box† by Edgar Guest was that all men are good for something.   I felt that the poet was trying to relay the caring message that just because we might not need someone at a certain time, we shouldn’t just dispose of them.   There are instances when we need a shoulder to cry on and there may be that one person that you feel will be there for you and you could call on them to say I need you.    If we had previously tossed that special person out of our lives, it would be next to impossible to have them come that close in order for you to cry on their shoulder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Edgar Guest communicated his poem through rhyme.   Every last word of his sentences sounded like the other in rhyme form, earth, birth and worth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"A human junk box is this earth,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and into it we’re tossed at birth,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to wait the day we’ll be of worth.†Ã‚   (The Junk Box; Edgar Guest)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I felt that the poet was extremely effective in delivering his message.   He was very clear in his writing and I got the message, immediately.   It seemed like a simple poem, but one that had so much information and meaning that even a child could understand the message he conveyed.   I will probably never forget this sweet poem because of its simplicity and because I sincerely did agree with the poet, Edgar Guest that people are always worth keeping and not tossing away, even if we don’t realize that we need them   at a certain the time! Reference (The Junk Box by Edgar Guest)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Differences Between RPC And RMI

Differences Between RPC And RMI In enterprise application there is possibility that resources need to be access across multiple system to do a business process. One of the Javas solutions for distributed application is Remote Method Invocation (RMI). Objective of this paper is understand how a RMI system works in real time scenarios and how enterprise application can implemented using java RMI APIs. An enterprise distributed system is a set of objects that isolates the consumers of services from the providers of services by a well-defined interface. In other words, clients are completely abstracted from the implementation of business method as data structure and executable code. This is how one can distinguish with simple client / server application with object based remote invocation method model. In the distributed enterprise object model, a client sends a request message to an object, which in turns analyzes the request to decide what service to perform. This business entity service, selection could be performed by either the object or a broker. Remote Method Invocation (RMI): RMI is one of the possible ways to access distributed business objects from another JVM and RMI uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters. If you want send objects across the wire, your class (object) need to implements Serializable interface. Here is the RMI architecture and how RMI s works internally. RMI Transport Layer Client Server skeleton stub Interface Interface Client Process Server Process Process According to sun web site Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) enables the programmer to create distributed Java technology-based to Java technology-based applications, in which the methods of remote Java objects can be invoked from other Java virtual machines*, possibly on different hosts. RMI uses object serialization to marshal and unmarshal parameters and does not truncate types, supporting true object-oriented polymorphism. When a enterprise server process wants to export some remote method invocation based service to consumer, it does so by registering remote method invocation enabled objects with its local rmiregistry (Registry interface). Every remote object is registered with a name consumer can use to reference it. A consumer can obtain a reference of stub to the remote object by requesting for the remote object by name through the Naming interface. The argument for Naming.lookup() method is name of a remote object and locates the object on the network. The objects fully qualified name can be composed with host name port and the name of the object look like url syntax for the naming resource. Few of the terminology one should know about RMI are listed below. rmiregistry A executable program used to bind remote object to names and that provides a bootstrap naming service which is used by servers on the server machine. JVMs on client and server machines can then look up remote objects and make remote method invocations. rmic: The rmic compiler tool generates stub, and skeleton class files for remote objects. These classes files are generated from the compiled Java language classes that contain remote object implementations (implemented java.rmi.Remote interface). skeleton : A skeleton for a remote object is a JRMP protocol server side business object that contains a method which dispatch calls to the actual remote object realization. stub: A proxy object for a remote object which is responsible for delegating method on remote objects to the server where implementation of the actual remote object resides. A consumer program reference to a remote object, therefore, is actually a reference to a local stub. Remote Interface: The Remote interface serves to recognize interfaces whose methods may be invoked from a non-local virtual machine. Any object that is a remote object must directly or indirectly implement this interface. Difference between RPC and RMI Remote procedure call (RPC) is a network communication protocol with server and client architecture and the idea behind RPC is to call implemented code remotely as if we were just calling a function. The only difference between RMI and RPC is in case of RPC functions are invoked through a proxy function, and in case of RMI we invoke methods through a proxy object. RMI is java solution to RPC, with connectivity to existing systems using native methods. RMI can take a natural, direct, and fully powered approach to provide a enterprise distributed computing technology that allows us to add Java functionality throughout the system. To get the cross-platform portability that Java provides, RPC requires a lot more overheads than RMI. RPC has to convert the arguments between architecture so that each computer can use its native data type. Java-RMI is tightly coupled with the Java language. Whereas RPC is not specific to any single language and one can implement RPC using different language. Because RMI can implemented using Java, its get all the advantages like object oriented, parallel computing, design pattern, easy to write and re use, safe and secure, Write once and run anywhere. But in the case of RPC, to achieve any of these advantages one has to write implementation code. Sample application: To demonstrate RMI and distributed application in real time I have implemented a Lottery system. The Lottery system is developed as per UK Lotto system. Assuming that user before using this RMI client application already purchased the lottery ticket. Lottery client system displays the welcome message to customer. Lottery system also displays the winning amount to the customer. The Lottery system is developed as per UK Lotto system. But simplifying system I have modified certain rules. Here how winner is chosen. Jackpot, Match 6: Â £500,000 Match 5 numbers: Â £1,500 Match 4 numbers: Â £60 Match 3 numbers: Â £10. System asks customer to enter positive integer number ranging 1 to 49. Once he enters all 6 numbers Lottery system generate 6 winning non-repeating random number between 1 to 49. System checks the match between user entered number and server generated number and calculate winning amount and display the result Implementation: Here is how I have implemented Lottery system Define a remote interface import java.rmi.Remote; public interface LotteryGenerator extends Remote { public ArrayList getLottoryNumber() throws java.rmi.RemoteException; } Implement the remote interface Below is the just a snippet of the implementation class for the remote interface. I have not listed the supporting private methods of the class. import java.rmi.RemoteException; public class LotteryGeneratorImpl extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject implements LotteryGenerator{ private ArrayList numbers; // Integer array for holding repeat private ArrayList lot; private java.util.Random gen; public ArrayList getLottoryNumber(){ lot.clear(); for(int i=0;i

Statistical Analysis of Cricket Matches

Statistical Analysis of Cricket Matches Abstract The effect of playing home or away and many other factors, such as batting first or second, winning or losing the toss, have been hypothesised as influencing the outcome of major cricket matches. Anecdotally, it has often been noted that Subcontinental sides (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh) tend to perform much better on the Subcontinent than away from it. In 2009, Joshi published an article in the Royal Meteorological Society Journal Weather which suggested that the prevailing weather conditions were more important to the results of the Ashes test series in Australia than were the relative strengths of the teams. In this paper, focusing on results of mens One Day International (ODI) matches involving England, I investigate the extent to which a number of factors including playing home or away (or the continent of the venue), batting or fielding first, winning or losing the toss, the mean temperature and humidity during the game, the condition of the pitch, and the strength of each teams top batting and bowling resources influence the outcome of matches. I employ a variety of Statistical techniques, and conclude that the continent of the venue does appear to be a major factor affecting the result, but winning the toss does not. In the second part of this study, I will use any significant factors to attempt to build a Binary Logistic Regression Model that will predict the chance of England winning at different stages of a game. The study also looks at using this model to consider different gambling techniques to see which would have created the most profit for past games. Introduction 1.1 Understanding the Basics of ODIs A One-Day International (ODI) is a game of cricket between two International teams. The team that wins a coin toss has the choice to either bat or bowl in the first innings. The team batting first have a maximum of 50 overs or 10 wickets to score as many runs as they can, this is more commonly known as setting a total. An over consists of 6 balls from one bowler and the following over must be 6 balls from a different bowler from the opposite end of the pitch. Each bowler is allowed a maximum of 10 overs each. The first innings will be complete when either all 300 legitimate deliveries have been bowled or all 10 wickets have been lost. The team batting second then have 50 overs and 10 wickets to score more runs than their opponents, this is referred to as chasing a total. 1.2 History of cricket formats Cricket has been a game played in England for hundreds of years, and it is believed that it may date back to 1500. However, the earliest records available are from the early 17th century. There are currently 3 popular formats of the sport played at International level and below. The longest format of the game is either called a Test Match in International cricket or a first-class match in domestic cricket. Test matches are played between two nations which have reached Test status. This is determined by the International Cricket Council (ICC). In a test match, both teams have two innings each to accumulate more runs than their opponents. Test matches have a maximum time allowance of 5 days, if the result of the game is not already decided at the end of day 5, then the match ends as a draw. Throughout history, there have been games that have lasted more than 5 days, however in recent years this has been a strict guideline. The most famous case of an extended test match was when England toured South Africa in 1939; the game was extended to the 9th day to produce a result, however when England required only 41 more runs to win, the England players had to leave the ground to catch the last ferry home and the match ended in a draw. (sahistory, 2014) First-class is a term that describes the highest level of domestic cricket played within each of the cricketing nations. Each nation has a first-class competition which must also consist of two innings each and last at least 3-days. In England, first-class cricket is a 4-day competition played between 18 counties. This was the only format of the game throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. County cricket is where all England cricketers develop their game, and Moores and Tickner (2016) say that The key to improvement is not to radically overhaul our county system. It is to embrace it. This is regarding ongoing controversy towards the argument that the English county system is at fault for Englands failures. A 2015 ar ticle written by Kevin Pietersen entitled Broken county system is damaging our national side is a key example of this, where Pietersen argues that bowlers arent quick enough and too much cricket makes county players fatigued. However, Moores and Tickner are stating that there are many talented cricketers in the county circuit, who are overlooked due to their lack of international experience, and the only way for them to gain experience is to be given a chance. They argue that the blame for Englands failures often comes through not using the top county cricketers, rather than the county system itself. The first ever official Test match was in 1877, when England narrowly lost to Australia at the Melbourne cricket ground. Then 5 years later, when England lost to Australia at home, The Sporting Times printed a mock obituary of English cricket which concluded that The body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia. (Lords, 2016). This was the start of the infamous Ashes series that is still contested today between the 2 nations. Limited Overs cricket was first introduced in 1951 in a small town in Kerala, India. KV Kellappan Thampuran formed the Tripunithura Cricket club before coming up with the idea of playing a one-day game. (Kerala Cricket Association, 2016). It was adopted into County Cricket in England in 1962 when the Midlands knock-out cup took place between Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Nottingham and was 65 overs per side. In 1969, there was a change in the law which allowed more sporting events to take place on a Sunday. (Miller and Tickner, 2016). This was an opening for Sunday League cricket, where counties would play a limited overs game on the Sunday following a first-class match in the week. The number of overs per side have since been reduced to 60, 50, 45 and 40. (BBC cricket, 2006). The first ODI was played on 5 January 1971 when the first 3 days of a test match between Australia and England were washed out, so a one-off 1-day game consisting of 40 8-ball overs was arranged. This game was played with white kits and a red ball. Soon after this, ODI cricket caught on and became increasingly popular towards the end of the 1970s, the World Series Cricket was organised and the 1979 season saw the start of coloured kits with a white ball and 50 6-ball overs in ODIs. This was an unpopular decision at the time as it was only done to fit in more advert breaks. (Jackson, 2014). However, these advert breaks allowed more money to come into the game to be spent on, not only player development, but players wages to make cricket a more appealing profession. Until these advert breaks came in, most cricketers would be working two jobs and now that cricket could be their main priority, there was a big increase in terms of fitness, technique and overall development of the game. ODIs have changed a lot since the 1970s; there are now fielding restrictions, powerplays and other factors that have led to scores increasing within 50 overs. In the 1980s a score of 250 in 60 overs was thought of as a good total, but whilst this study is taking place, in 2017, teams are looking to set a total of 300 in most matches. Below is a table taken from showing the top 20 ODI scores in history. Table: Top 20 ODI team totals. Taken from Here you can see that all the top 20 scores have been in the last 11 years, even though ODIs have been around for 46 years and ODIs in the 20th Century were often 55 or 60 overs. For this reason, when I investigate factors that influence the chance of England winning an ODI, I only take data from the 21st Century as I believe the statistics from earlier ODIs are almost irrelevant to todays game. Twenty20 (T20) cricket is the newest cricket format. Each side has just 20 overs each to score more runs than their opponents. However, the number of resources (wickets) stays the same, allowing for a more attacking style of play throughout the whole game since losing wickets is not as harmful to the team. The cricketing authorities were looking to boost the games popularity with the younger generation in response to dwindling crowds and reduced sponsorship. (Cricketnext, 2009). 1.3 Why ODIs? There are several reasons I have chosen to use ODI statistics rather than Test matches or T20s. The overall aim of the study is not only to find significant factors that influence the outcome of cricket matches, but also to use these factors to be able to predict the chance of England winning a game. I believe that Test matches end in a draw too often to build a win predictor, and Frank Duckworth (2001) said one of the great weaknesses of first class cricket is that the most usual result is a draw. This doesnt mean that the two sides have performed equally, but that the game was unfinished when time ran out. Through collecting data from and taking the means of draws per country in test match history tells us that there is a 32.07% chance that a Test match will end in a draw. This could be due to defensive tactics as the game lasts much longer than other forms of cricket. Bad weather conditions can also take a whole day or more out of the match and this coupled with the m ore defensive style can make it harder to get a result. From the first ODI game up until the 19th July 2016, 33 out of 3764 games resulted in a tie, meaning that less than 1% (0.87%) of matches have been tied. This is clearly a much lower percentage than in test matches. Also, when an ODI produces this result, it is usually because the game deserves to be a tie as the two sides have performed equally rather than any other factors. The less ties result will allow me to build a win predictor more accurately. T20 is a relatively new format of cricket where teams go away from typical tactics and playing proper cricket shots and instead use a hit out or get out style of play. This means that it is much harder to predict who will win a T20 game as one good individual performance can all but win the game. For example, if one batsman scored 100 in a T20 match, even if the rest of the team only gained another 30 runs, a total of 130 could still win the game. Comparatively, in ODIs much more of a team effort is required, and a sustained performance is needed to win the game. There are also not as many patterns in T20 games, as usually, the whole 20 overs are spent attacking. Whereas ODIs require defence, patience, tactical field settings and tactical batting in terms of when to up the run rate. In an ODI series usually the better or higher ranked team will come out on top. However, in T20 matches this is much more unpredictable, and countries such as Afghanistan and the Netherlands have had succ ess in T20 format, despite the latter not being in the 2017 ICC ODI rankings (ICC 2017). 1.4 D/L Method One issue which has always been present in cricket is that bad weather conditions, especially rain, will often affect games, especially in limited overs cricket. For the first 30 minutes of delay there are no overs lost, then every 5 minutes after this there is 1 over lost per side. For an ODI to be completed there must be at least 20 overs per side played. There is usually no reserve day for a game that ends as a no result, due to tight scheduling. To minimalise the impact of weather factors that cannot be controlled, the Duckworth-Lewis (D/L) method is used to calculate the target scored for the team batting second where the rain has interrupted the game. It is a mathematical formulation that takes in to consideration how many overs and wickets remain so the game has a higher chance of ending in a result. The fundamental basis of the Duckworth/Lewis (D/L) method is that we do not correct the target by the proportion of overs lost, but by the proportion of the total run-scoring reso urces lost. (Duckworth 2001) There have been many previous attempts at creating a system to set a total so that games can be completed, including the average run rate (ARR) method and the most productive overs (MPO) method. The average run rate method was used to set a total, and it did this by taking the average number of runs scored per over x the reduced innings. The problem with ARR is that it is too simplistic, and gave an unfair advantage to the team batting second if there was rain. The most productive overs method was introduced by the Australians and it set the target to chase by reducing the total based on the number of runs scored in the most productive overs. However, this did not take in to account when the overs were lost and could result in a very unfair target. (Duckworth and Lewis 2012) As an aside, a way to solve the problems of weather affected matches could be coming in the form of indoor cricket. The first indoor match to be played was an ODI between Australia and South Africa on the 16th August 2000 (Ramaraj 2013). However, this has not caught on around the world despite the promise of a full days play. Jonty Rhodes (Grunill and Lillywhite 2005), a South Africa player in the game, said there were problems to overcome, namely the fact that players were looking up at the lights even when the ball was at head height as the lighting was not on pylons. 1.5 Initial Variables Winning the Toss The coin toss is contested between the home and away captain 30 minutes prior to the first ball being bowled. The captains will go out onto the pitch and before contesting the toss they will assess the conditions to help them make their choice of batting or bowling first. Some of the conditions they consider are also variables I have looked at in this study. In the 17th century it is believed that the winning captain also got to choose which pitch was used for the game, a job that is now left to the umpires. Hypothesis 1: Winning the toss will significantly increase the chance of winning an ODI. Batting or bowling first Upon winning the toss, the captain is left with the strategic decision between batting first or second. Some people believe that a team should bat first and produce a psychological hurdle for the second team to overcome. Other people believe that there is an advantage in batting second as the score required has already been produced. (de Silva and Swartz, 1998). Some people also believe that it is best to look at several factors before making the choice of batting or bowling first. Hypothesis 2: There will be no significant increase in the chance of winning an ODI by always batting or bowling first.       Home or Away Home team advantage is believed to be a significant factor in most, if not all sports. In a 2008 study Measurement and Interpretation of Home Advantage, Stefani says that the biggest factors believed to lead to home team advantage are travel fatigue, home team spectator support and home team familiarity. In ODI cricket, travel fatigue should not be too much of a factor as teams will usually arrive at the opposition country a week or 2 before the series. Morley and Thomas (2005) find that attendance figures at English cricket matches do not give any significant advantage to the home team. They do however state that in certain venues this may not be the case. This leaves us with home team familiarity, and I believe this factor weighs heavily in the outcome of ODI matches. The average score at a ground in England can be very different from a ground in another continent. For example, the average run rate in ODIs at the Kia Oval in London, United Kingdom is 4.84 and the average run rate in Lahore, Pakistan is 5.24. (howstat, 2017). Both grounds have been hosting ODIs since the 1970s. This means that teams must change their mindset about what is a good 1st innings total when they play away from home. Weather conditions and cricket pitches also vary in different countries and continents. There are 9 official test teams in the ICC rankings and each of these countries has a usual type of pitch. The term dead pitch is used to describe pitches that are flat and offer little help for bowlers. Dead pitches are the most common wickets that are prepared these daysà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. the most common pitch type in ODIs. (cricketequipmentusa, 2017). These pitches are often found in Australia, South Africa and the West Indies. English pitches are usually encouraging for fast bowlers; pitches are often referred to as green tops. These pitches are also found in New Zealand and sometimes South Africa, they have a thin layer of grass which helps to produce swing and seam. Overcast and windy conditions are often present in England, which can correspondingly assist the ball to swing. Pitches on the subcontinent are often the opposite, where wickets are dry and dusty. The subcontinent is a term used to describe a large part of Asia, and includes the 4 big cricketing nations; India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The lack of rain in the subcontinent means no green on the pitches and the dr yness creates a lot of spin and uneven bounce. This is undoubtedly the reason why subcontinent teams have produced some of the best spin bowlers and why teams like England seem to struggle when playing away there. Hypothesis 3: England perform significantly better at home than anywhere else. Hypothesis 4: England perform significantly worse in the subcontinent than anywhere else. The first section of my study will test the variables mentioned above using a three-way ANOVA table. I test for statistical significance (

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Challenges of the 21st Century Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pa

Challenges of the 21st Century    Citizens of the world look on with anticipation as our society moves into the twenty-first century. Although the world has not accomplished the wild ideas presented in science fiction, we have made a huge amount of progress in technology. However, many hurdles still need to be faced. Numerous critical problems will face both America and the world as a whole in this new millennium. Three problems confronting the United States are hate crimes, teen drug use, and education. The world will face issues as well, including terrorism, wars, and health care.    In America, hate crimes are a rising problem. Statistics show that a hate crime is committed every hour. A cross is burned every week. Eight blacks, three whites, three gays, three Jews, and one Latino become victims every day. Today, America prides itself on being a tolerant country. Through legislation including affirmative action and movements against racism, we see ourselves as a country offering equal opportunities to all. This statement, however, is slightly biased. Contrary to popular belief, everything is not wonderful in the land of the free and home of the brave. Many live in fear of being persecuted because of who they are naturally. The United States needs to find a way to combat these crimes, mainly through introducing tougher laws regarding hate crimes.    Another problem is use of illegal drugs by teenagers and young adults. As usage of drugs such as ecstasy and marijuana become more popular on "underground" scenes, people seem to find it acceptable to engage in casual drug use. Many young people do not realize the harmful effects of these substances until it is too late. The lives of America's y... ... diseases such as AIDS are also becoming a problem in places like Africa. Knowledge of how to prevent these diseases is not widely known, so an increasing number of people are infected. More attention needs to be placed on adequate health care and technology in these countries. While these third world societies may not have the resources with which to implement these changes, more advanced societies certainly do.    All of these issues are pressing concerns for America and for the world. Changes, however, will not begin to take place until the government and other appropriate authorities see that the public has a strong interest in correcting these problems. With enough attention brought to the issues by letter-writing campaigns, petitions, and peaceful protests, perhaps some of these issues can be solved during this new millennium.         

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Birth of My Daughter :: Essays Papers

The Birth of My Daughter The moment to give birth to my daughter Anais came very quickly. My doctor, a young male wearing blue scrubs wheeled me to the delivery room with the assistance of a female nurse wearing green scrubs, and my husband, which was also wearing scrubs. The hospital delivery room felt very cold and very sterile. The walls were painted white with gray tile covering one half of the walls, and there was a smell of soap in the air. The delivery room was equipped with a gurney covered with white starchy linen, a large stainless steel lamp with a microscope sticking out of one side stood next to the gurney, a baby incubator that look like a large clear plastic rectangular box with two round holes on one side, and a table covered with very neatly placed stainless steel surgical instruments. In the delivery room, were four people, a male anesthesiologist and three female nurses wearing green scrubs, facemasks, and gloves. The anesthesiologist was seated next to the head of the gurney with an air tank and IV, in the event I had to undergo a cesarean due to having developed gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. One of the major problems a woman with gestational diabetes faces is a condition the baby may develop called "macrosomia." Macrosomia means "large body" and refers to a baby that is considerably larger than normal. All of the nutrients the fetus receives come directly from the mother's blood. If the mother’s blood has too much glucose (simple sugar), the pancreas of the fetus senses the high glucose levels and produces more insulin (a hormone regulating the glucose level in blood) in an attempt to use the glucose. The fetus converts the extra glucose to fat. Occasionally, the baby grows too large to be delivered through the vagina and a cesarean delivery becomes necessary. On the other side of the gurney stood one of the nurses checking the baby incubator, while the other two were standing next to the table with the surgical instruments. Immediately upon entering the delivery room, two of the nurses transferred me to the gurney in the delivery room, where the doctor checked me and said I had a ways to go but that I had already dilated to 7 centimeters (the amount the cervix has opened in preparation for childbirth).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Coastal and waterway transport contracts in India

The Bill of Lading governs the documented aspect, the insurance is as a support, the merchant shipping act governs the rights and liabilities of the parties and the Carriage of goods act governs the disputes in matter of the marine Contracts and the carriage of goods. Objective of the study . The objective of making this project is to study and research on Coastal and Waterway Transport contracts in India which is very important from the point of law of contracts. 2.The main objective of my study is to deduce and find out the procedure of how the contracts are formed during a shipping agreement and the rights and liabilities of efferent people during a same contract 3. All these concepts are different and various cases have given different Judgments upon different situations. 4. Also I came to know about how these concepts are varied in different nations like United States of America and United Kingdom. Research questions – The research is mainly based on these questions:l . H ow did the coastal and waterway transport contracts evolve in India? . Which acts and statutes have been set up for these types of contracts? 3. Explain the procedure of how does the coastal contracts work and the documents needed for the same. 4. What is the importance of the Bill of Lading in these types of contracts? 31 Page 5. How does insurance play an important role in these contracts? 6. Mention the Comparative study of India with US and I-J in these types of contracts. 7. Please give needful suggestion for the topic and how to improve the position of coastal and waterway transport contract in India. Limitation of the project:l .In addition in all contracts of carriage of goods by sea, there were implied undertakings by the carrier that the carrying vessel was seaworthy and that the ship would commence and carry cut the contractual voyage with reasonable diligence without unjustifiable deviation. The Bill of lading was the basic shipping document, evidencing the contractual r elationship between carrier and shipper and forming the basis of all claims arising from the transportation of goods by sea.It was originally a non-negotiable document but with the growth of commerce the need was felt for transferring the property in the goods before the arrival of the goods at the destination by endorsing the bill of lading to the buyer and the practice came to be established of issuing â€Å"negotiable† bill of lading. The early bills of lading contained only the common law exception. As time passed, however, ship-owners began generally to amend their bills of lading by introducing exemption clauses and thereby limit contractually the strict liability imposed upon them by maritime law.As and when court decision went against the carriers, they introduced more and more protective or pardoning clauses in the bill of lading and depending upon their bargaining position at a time when the volume of world trade exceeded the carrying capacity of shipping, there sou ght to exempt themselves from practically every liability of ocean carriage. This resulted in growing satisfaction among shippers, bankers and underwriters who demanded legislation to remove the abuse produced by unlimited freedom of contract enjoyed by the http://www. Livening. Mom/Opinion/hkC9ZcvCbqlWbB141 Lends/After-years-of-neglect- India-wakes-up-toccatas-inland-WA. HTML, last accessed on 27th July 1 up. M. 5 Page carriers, the results was that several countries enacted legislation on the subject. The Harpers Act was enacted by USA in 1893 followed by the Australian Carriage of goods by Sea Act in 1904, The New Zealand Shipping and Seaman Act in 1908 and the Canadian Water Carriage Act in 1910. The Harder Act aimed at protection of cargo interests, prohibited clauses exonerating the carrier or his agents from liability for faults in the care and custody of the cargo but at the same time.The Act provided that the carrier was not to be held liable for results of newsworthiness i f he had exercised due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and if the damage caused to the cargo resulted from faults and errors in the navigation or management of the vessel. The Harpers Act thus established an important principle in that it settled the problem f the carriers liability by making a distinction between faults in the management and navigation of the vessel and faults in the care and custody of cargo.

Lowering the Drinking

The central plank of the debate is the decision of lower limit shape up of subscribeing. The society testament be happier where the states interference is less and where it allows the wide of the mark freedom and liberty to the citizens with qualified restraints. The actions taken and legislations passed by the governing bodys argon just for the public assistance of the state with public policy. The heated preaching on Lowering the crapulence is non a stark naked wizard and it came into topographic point with Jenna Bushs arrest for overpowering alcohol and buying it with fake identification.The complaisant contract theory says that men begin good to the main(a) to organize them in better way. The sovereign was non a party to the contract. The people authorized and possess up the right of governing themselves to the sovereign who came into being as a resolving of the contract. 1 It is given the right of make heavyitys. righteousness is the expression of gene ral will. tally to Rousseau A righteousness is a resolution of the unscathed people, for the whole people, touching a topic that concerns all. Law must cerebrate to general interest. It represents the general will. The enactments of the government be merely a corollary of the general will.So the laws framed regarding the inebriation succession overly should go with the general will.The national minimum imbibition grow act, 1984 give 21 old era as the minimum eld of inebriation in USA. In adult maley another(prenominal) countries there is no sequence restriction on the drinking and in countries interchangeable Ind nonp atomic number 18ilsia, Malaysia it is 17 year. The present laws set the sequence of drinking as 21 2 and it was 24 advance back it came into force. And it is time waitress back with the resent development in social as well as technological development. There are several(prenominal) consequences where the importance of board is taken into account . approximately of them are nuptialsAdult certify great PunishmentMilitary goThe above mentioned are very chief(prenominal) which are having affinity with the Society, Legislature, Judiciary and administrator ( falsification). They all prescribed the minimum age of their eligibilitys 18 years. But the age of drinking is declared as 21 years. The detailed discussion of them examines their importance and its relevancy to the society.MarriageAccording to Black law dictionary, The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife is called break. It is regarded as civil contract by the common law. The essentials of the valid marriage are1. the parties are legally unfastened of assure marriage2. mutual react or agreement, and3. An actual promise in the take prescribed by law.The essential The parties are legally capable of contracting marriage goes with lot of interpretation. The legally capable to contracting marriage in regarding the age varies from morality to religi on generally and with the uniform civil code it is given to the states to make laws on their own.For a marriage minimum age, license, proof, application, take over for underage appli bank is required.SEC. 3. (1) R. S. 1846, Chap. 83 (Amended by Act No. 44, P.A. 1956)Every psyche who becomes 18 years of age shall be capable by law of contracting marriage. Every soul who becomes 16 years of age but is less than 18 years of age shall be capable of contracting marriage with the written consent of 1 of the parents of the soulfulness or the someones legal guardian, as provided in this section.3So the bailable age for marriage is 18 and raze 16 is allowed with the prescribed procedure. Marriage is one of the important institutions in the society. If the a person is allowed to go with that important function and gestate the metal power, then why not a person is not allowed to drink at that age. right to voteThe adult ballot is the fullest implication of democracy and it is the mos t salient(ip) feature implication of democracy and it is most striking feature of the physical composition. The section 1, of the ordinal amendment-reduction of voting age qualification gives the right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by whatever state on account of age.4If the person is entitled to adjudicate which government he want and what will be the pros and cons of that government establishment, evoket he hypothesise on the drinking and the limits of the drinking. With the development of kitty media each and every point of manifesto are clearly analyzed and by taking that inputs only the people are voting. Now the leaders are besides focusing on the youth issue which shows their importance in the elections. Being so important decision makers of a prox government they hobo also dissolve on the level of drinking. So the age of drinking should be brought subjugate to the age of voting right.Capital PunishmentCapital punishment is the highest punishment in the poenology knows to man. It deprives the turns life and existence. novel Penologists, jurists, jurisprudents e.t.c preferred it for the grave and heinous crimes only. According to the reformative theory No one is a born criminal. A criminal is the product of the social and economical circumstances. neo psycho-analysts, criminologists, sociologists e.t.c are behind this advanced theory. The one of the recent case roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S 551(2005) the Supreme Court held that the minimum age at time of crime to be subject to the death penalty is 18.The administration is regarded as best institution for its logical guessing on any issue. If the court itself is support the decision and declared that at age of 18 the person is reasonably prudent and he have total intimacy about the society why gear it allow the person to drink at the age of 18. Now almost 19 states and federal gove rnment had set a minimum age of 18 for smashing punishmentMilitary servicesThe person having 18 years of age is eligible to enter into the military services and can serve the nation up to 49 years. Even a person of 17 years of age, with parental permission, can join the U.S. armed services. There is a operose point that a person with 18 years is serving the nation with commitment, responsibility and attitude to serve the nation. If this is the case cant a person with 18 cant have liberty drink. closeIt is the time to re-look at the existing law with the advancement of the science and technology and onward motion is the communication has enhanced the capabilities of a person.5 The drinking problems can be reduced with preference legislations. All people should not fend due to few deterrents, so to a greater extent though laws on the violators are a good measure. Now the people are in a position to influence what is good and what is bad by 18 years itself. If the person is able t o decide on the marriage, voting and joining into defense services, he can also think as a prudent person on the drinking also. So the minimum age of drinking should be brought down to 18 years.References1.VD. Mahajan, origin of state, Political theory,(1988), fourth edition , S. Chand and Company.2. Radley Balko, Back to 18, A new chorus of critics says its time to lower the drinking age, April 12, 2007 Marriage Laws, 2008 Washtenaw County, MIhttp// Selected Michigan4. Reduction Of Voting jump on Qualification, 1995, United States Government impression Office, http// The Minimum profound Drinking Age Debate, 1 VD. Mahajan, origin of state, Political theory,(1988), quaternary edition , S. Chand and Company. 2 Radley Balko, Back to 18, A new chorus of critics says its time to lower the drinking age, April 12, 2007 http// 3 Selected Michigan Marriage Laws, 2008 Washtenaw County, MIhttp// 4 Reduction Of Voting Age Qualification, 1995, United States Government Printing Office, http// 5 The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Debate, http//

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human Morality Essay

A jet question throughout history has forever been about serviceman ethics. Because of our higher intellection capacity, we atomic number 18 hardwired to adapt and refine our staple fibre instincts to survive therefore, it is obvious this question would be disputed throughout time. Are military man innately reclaim-hand(a), bad, or plainly soggy? The position that whatsoever unitary soulfulness pick ups may be derived from any cast of minds, be them philosophical thoughts or scientific inquiries. This essay asserts that godliness is innate, and uses both scientific studies and ideas from philosophers to support this argument. Man is essentially good, and the un corresponding expressions flock ar opendfrom sociable influences to parental influences manufactures the large spectrum and variety of expression that may non be deemed good or moral.The magazine Smithsonian published an phrase named Born to Be Mild in January of 2013 on morality in unseas bingled electric razorren. This article wrote about a a couple of(prenominal) different studies d i on children by three different experimenters. In unitary of the studies titled Spontaneous Altruism by Chimpanzees and Young Children, Felix Warneken well-tried the morality of creation through young babies (because they obtain had brusk to no socialization) and also tried and true morality of chimpanzees, the closest relative to humanity. In this news report, 18-month- middle-aged toddlers were tested to strike if they would help others in pack by retrieving a dropped item that an crowing struggled for. In nigh all instances, the child returned the item. Warneken stated, Helping at that age is non aboutthing thats been trained, and the children coiffure to help without prompting or without being rewarded (Tucker 39).Not only did the toddlers help people in use up, they also helped without social cues (such as the distress someone in need has). Many toddlers in the experim ent Warneken created helped call in a can that had fallen out a table next to an braggy and the adult failed to realize something was amiss. When Warneken tested the chimpanzees to see if they would return the homogeneous answers, he tested chimpanzees that were nursery- embossed and semi-wild chimps. Both tests displayed the same results as the tests on the toddlerschimpanzees were leaveing to help both humans and other chimps in need with no reward for themselves (Tucker 39-41). The fact that most of the toddlers and human relatives, the chimpanzees, helped others in need both with and without social cues strongly topographic loads to the idea that human morality is innate.A second study highlighted in the Smithsonian article was a reproduction of a previous study from the mid-2000s. The original study was an animated initiation shown to six to ten-spot month old babies in one group and three month old babies in a second. The animated presentation consisted of a red circl e essay to climb a hill. In one instance, a triangle helped the circle climb, and in another, a square off knocked the circle down. When the square and triangle were presented to the older group of babies, almost all babies chose the helping triangle all over the hindering square. For the younger group, the researchers tracked the spirit movement of the babies to either the triangle or square, because the babies could not physically grab the object. In the reproduction, done by another experimenter, the results were the same. erstwhile again, evidence suggests that because babies seem so chastely good, humans are innately good, and it is the nurture we receive as we are interact into this husbandry that may cause some people to seem morally grease ones palms (Tucker 38-39). It should be noted that because the reproduction provided the same results as the original study, an even stronger boldness was created for the idea of innate human morality.The messages that Machiavell i gives in The Qualities of the Prince may cause one to conceive that humans are innately immorality because through The Qualities of the Prince, Machiavelli details how to be cunning, take control, and maintain control as a ruler of a province. His teachings seem to create humans as greedy people, ravenous for more. This is actually very incorrect. Machiavelli clearly states, it is necessary for a princeto learn how to not be good (42). I emphasize that Machiavelli wrote a man must learn to not be good. One can conduct from this that Machiavelli is saying man is at least in some degree, wholesome and moral. aft(prenominal) all, humans were never meant to civilize and evolve.We are, in true form, animals that have an instinct to survive. judgement and gaining power is a man-made idea. Opponents to the idea that humans are moral baron suggest that if command is man-made, evil is already within us because we created the concept of ruling others however, if man were truly evil, he would not take murder as a heavy offense, and would kill others in his way to get what he wants instead of simply gaining control. The examples of rulers that Machiavelli writes help to reiterate this point. These men were not born thinking of war and control. They were raised and socialized to lead and gain power.Steinbeck and the messages he delivers in The Grapes of Wrath also point to the idea that human morality is innate. The reference often writes of the distinct line of those with, and those withoutin other words, the owners and the migrants or farmers. Steinbeck makes a point to write about how close-knit the migrants are in many instances. Steinbeck writes I mixed-up my land is changedto We lost our land., I have a little food summing up I have We have a little food (151) the twenty families became one family (193) and when a baby dies a pile of silver coins grew at the gate flap (195). All of these quotes show the good in others, to do something for someo ne in need.This is all in contrast to the owners, which on multiple different pages Steinbeck writes how disconnected they are from the land, and the quality of owning freezes you forever into I (Steinbeck 152). These owners are so en circumnavigateed by the material culture around them, by the greed and the blanketed realism that they cannot see with a moral compass anymore. Of course they have one, for at one point they big businessman have been like the farmers, caring for others and instituted into the we group. Proponents for human neutrality might point that the owners were never at any point good, that they were neutral and socialized into the owning culture, strange the farming culture.This is not the case, however, through a passage that Steinbeck wrote very early in The Grapes of Wrath, which said, Some of the owner men were variety because they dislike what they had to do, and some of them were angry because they hated to be cruel, and some of them were parky becau se they had big ago found that one could not be an owner unless one were cold (31). This insinuates that in all types of owners, there is a moral compass. Even in the coldest owners, heavy within them, they acknowledge the idea that the wee-wee they do is prostitute. Because the owners know what is wrong, they know the adversary as wellwhat is right. If the owners were not innately good, their views on what is right or wrong would be skewed by their social influences.While people will never give up the argument of human morality, it is a safe bet to argue that humans are innately good. We ingest the ability to help spontaneously and without reward, as shown in the scientific studies, and we understand what is right and wrong. Our societal influences and the way we were raised affects if we will channel our morality or go against it, as shown by Machiavelli in The Qualities of the Prince and by Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath.Works CitedMachiavelli, Niccolo. The Qualities of the Prince. A sphere of Ideas. Ed. Lee Jacobus. 8th e. Boston Bedford, 2010. Print. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. peeled York Penguin, 1939. Print. Tucker, Abigail. Born to Be Mild. Smithsonian Jan. 2013 35-41, 76-77. Print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Social networking may be used ineffectively., 2003).Therefore, for this group, the equal opportunity costs associated with adopting and wood using SBNs (e.g. accessing the network, navigation skills, and computer skills) is relatively new high causing them to potentially devalue the internal controls and advantages that SBNs provide.Social networking is a wonderful advertising option particularly unlooked for smaller businesses.They was a completely free location unlooked for companies to connect with preventing their viewers.

Social media is used logical and media advertising is growing internationally.Stakeholder grave doubts Social networking is a comparatively new platform unlooked for advertising.Choose what kind of ad to create.Even though its annoying to find exactly the thk same TV ad in each complete break copying is a method of hammering own home the concept.

Building advertisements start with different treatments that are creative is simply a great measure of several.Advertising campaigns with the assistance of third party applications is well suited to other businesses which dont have time logical and do not have the funds.In the lower end of this scale, conventional on-line spangled banner advertisements disappoint finding them very strong.Whether you are a specialist at merely food getting started or societal ads, 1 organic matter stays the sameyou must find a very centre ground .

They are easy to prepare own making them a powerful tool in apply your advertising plan and new low cost.Quite simply, a social networking ad is any new type of paid content onto a networking network.LinkedIn Ads special offers the capacity to target businesses.You best can opt to produce a new ad or use an post.